How To Become A Hospice Volunteer

Health & Medical Blog

If you are thinking about volunteering at a hospice then you will need to make sure that you are a good candidate. Here are some guidelines that you can use ahead of your application to see if you qualify for this kind of volunteer work.  Age Parameters Most hospices require volunteers to be within a certain age range. If you are a teenager or you are retired, it is best to check the age limits of the hospice with which you wish to volunteer.

29 July 2015

Post-Surgery Tips: A Guide To A Healthy Facelift Recovery


Your doctor has prepared you for your face lift procedure and has provided the steps to take. But, there are a few things that you should consider to help you recover after your surgery. The following guide will help you make sure you have a quick and healthy recovery.  Balance Your Bacteria Your body is full of microorganisms, some of which are good for you and some are not. A face lift requires the use of antibiotics to help keep harmful bacteria from creating an infection.

7 July 2015

Considerations For Selecting Replacement Teeth

Dentist Blog

When you have missing teeth, there are several options you have to fill the gaps. All the options have their own benefits, so how do you decide which is the best for you? Here are things to consider when it comes time to select what method of replacing teeth you want. What Options are Available? When you have gaps in your mouth, you have the options of getting dentures, implants, or bridges.

2 July 2015

Are Home Mobility Aids Covered By Insurance?

Health & Medical Blog

Just because your healthcare provider has prescribed or recommended a home mobility aid, doesn't necessarily mean it's covered by insurance. Here are some things to keep in mind when trying to determine what your insurance plan covers when it comes to mobility aids. Is the Mobility Aid Considered Durable Medical Equipment? Sometimes mobility aids are also considered durable medical equipment (DME), which can determine if insurance or Medicare will cover it.

15 June 2015

Little League Elbow: The Painful Side Of Having A Great Pitching Arm


For many Little League baseball players, there is nothing more rewarding than striking out the opponent. Unfortunately, Little League pitchers between the ages of 10-15, especially those who favor throwing curve balls and/or sliders, are at risk of developing a disorder known as little league elbow. Cause of Little League Elbow Little League elbow is a disorder caused by injuries to a group of soft cartilage cells known as the growth plate.

1 June 2015

The Golden Years: Exploring Senior Care Options

Health & Medical Blog

Thanks to advances in modern medicine, more and more seniors are enjoying a much longer and more active life. However, even the healthiest seniors will often find that the aging process can make it more difficult to complete basic daily tasks, such as cleaning and bathing. If you are one of these seniors, you should know that there are several different care options that can help you get just the right level of assistance for your particular needs.

17 May 2015

Should You Be Running In Extra-Cushioned, Thick-Soled Shoes?


There's a new trend taking over the running world: shoes with soles so thick, they look almost like platforms. Proponents of these shoes say that they allow runners to run longer and harder with fewer injuries to the feet and legs. Others argue that the shoes don't do nearly as much as they claim. The truth likely lies somewhere between these polarized opinions. Whether or not you can benefit from running in super-padded shoes will depend on several factors:

30 April 2015

3 Reasons to Visit Your Obstetrician before Trying to Have Another Baby

Health & Medical Blog

When you and your spouse decide that you are ready to have another baby, it is a good idea to set up an appointment with your obstetrician before you actually begin trying. This is done for a variety of reasons, and can help you have a healthy pregnancy. This article will discuss 3 reasons to visit your obstetrician before trying to have another baby.  Discuss Any Healthcare Concerns  If you have any health concerns that may effect your pregnancy, it is important to talk about them with your obstetrician.

20 April 2015

Senior Housing: 4 Tips For Getting Approved

Health & Medical Blog

If you are a senior who is looking for a new home, you may qualify for discounted housing. This is known as senior housing and consists of apartments and condos that offer you lower rental options provided by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. It is not the same as assisted living, since you don't get additional services like home care or nursing at the housing communities. They are simply communities for seniors of a certain age who are approved for the discount by HUD.

20 April 2015

Two Ways To Prepare Yourself For Major Weight Loss

Health & Medical Blog

Making weight loss a major goal in your life is a very admirable aim.  It signifies that you are willing to do whatever it takes to get down to a healthy weight so that you can enjoy an in-shape body for as long as possible.  However, losing the weight is just the first leg of the journey and you may not be fully prepared for what it will be like once you've dropped the pounds.

15 April 2015