Too Young For Varicose Veins? Not If You Get Pregnant

Health & Medical Blog

Many women likely think they are too young for varicose veins, thinking it is a problem of the elderly. This is simply not the case. Many women, no matter what their age, develop these veins during pregnancy. Avoiding this problem helps prevent pain and ugly, throbbing veins on various parts of the body. How Pregnancy Causes Varicose Veins Varicose veins occur when there is heavy strain on the vessels in the body.

22 February 2017

New MRI-Guided And Focused Ultrasound Techniques Prove To Be Effective In Treating Selected Breast Cancer Patient

Health & Medical Blog

Dedicated scientists have pondered over time and visualized in recent times just how beneficial it would be were surgeons to find a way of removing breast cancer tumors and yet leave your body completely intact. That would be a valuable noninvasive therapeutic treatment, which would prevent infections and scar buildup among other benefits. The time has arrived for just that with MRI-guided technology radiotherapy with compact proton beam therapy. There is also the option for your having breast cancer therapy using magnetic resonance imaging-guided focused ultrasound surgery.

15 February 2017

3 Things You Can Do To Fight A Cold

Health & Medical Blog

Having a cold can be miserable. It can take you away from work, your family duties, and can completely knock you off your feet.  In some cases a cold can last for days, even weeks, without feeling like you are getting any better. This is why it is important as soon as a cold starts to begin caring for your body in a way that encourages healing faster. Here are some things that you should know about caring for your cold.

15 February 2017

5 Tips For Preventing Head Lice

Health & Medical Blog

If you have kids in school, you may be concerned about the health and well-being of your kids. This can be a challenging time when there are groups of children in each classroom that are around each other all day. One of the problems that frequently occur is head lice. This can be a tough thing to get rid of if it does happen to your kid, so being aware of ways to prevent it in the first place is the best thing to do.

13 February 2017

Understanding The Benefits Of Pet Boarding Services

Health & Medical Blog

When taking a vacation, you may need to find somewhere your pets can stay and receive the same level of care you provide them in your home. However, taking them to the kennel may be less than desirable, because it's possible that your pets don't have the same level of freedom. In addition, it may be difficult to convince a family member to take care of your pets for an extended period of time.

9 February 2017