Non-Chemical Lice Treatment

Health & Medical Blog

School days are more than just an educational experience, they are full of play and chances for socialization. They are also a great opportunity for your children to catch head lice. If you are wary of the OTC chemical treatments out there, you can try some more natural ways to combat the infestation. 

The Fine-Tooth Comb

Before insecticide shampoos and lotions were introduced, families dealt with lice in one of several ways. The worst choice was to shave the sufferer's head, a humiliating procedure that marked the afflicted person as someone who had lice. The less drastic way was to use the fine-tooth comb. This method was not painless and involved lots of hair-pulling, but the repeated combing and nit-picking eventually got rid of the problem. You can take a similar approach today by buying a set of combs at a discount or cosmetic store specifically for removing lice. You are advised to thoroughly wash your child's hair and condition it. Afterwards, the nits and lice are easier to remove by use of a fine, but not painful, comb. You will have to regularly perform this procedure for approximately two weeks before the lice are totally gone. 

Heat Treatments

A special machine created to rid your hair of lice has been used for several years now, and it should probably be in all elementary schools. This machine produces air that is heated to the precise temperature that effectively kills lice and their nits. When someone is properly trained to use this device, it can quickly and easily stop an outbreak of head lice at school. This machine is approved by the FDA and is one of the most promising treatments for head lice out there.

Natural Oils

Many people swear by essential oils as a lice treatment. Experts recommend taking a few ounces of olive oil and mixing it with approximately 15 to 20 drops of an essential oil. You apply this concoction to your child's head and then leave it in the hair overnight. The next morning, you will need to thoroughly comb out the lice that have hopefully been killed or at least injured. Recommended oils for this purpose include lavender, neem, cinnamon leaf, peppermint, and tea tree oil. 

If your child has a severe case of lice that doesn't respond to your treatments, consult with their pediatrician. They can evaluate your child and prescribe the most effective and least toxic option of anti-lice medications. Lice are a common but annoying problem that can often be treated without chemicals, but never hesitate to call for professional help. 


18 August 2016

Allergy Relief: You Have More Options Than You Think

As a child, I used to spend my days roaming through the woods. I climbed trees, smelled the flowers, and laid in the grass looking at the clouds. My love for nature continued through my teen years, but when I turned 23, I began to sneeze whenever I left my home. I could no longer enjoy my outdoor hikes and I started taking antihistamines so I could at least open my windows on warm days. My allergies got worse though and I met with an allergist who completed a variety of skin tests. I started receiving allergy shots and my allergist taught me about natural cleaning processes and sinus rinses. The injections and natural treatments improved my quality of life greatly. Even if you do not want to start allergy injections, you have a variety of options that can lessen your symptoms, and you should learn what these options are.