Getting a regular mammogram is one health checkup that eludes many women. However, there are several reasons to get a mammogram at any age.
You're Not Too Young
Women of all age can get breast cancer. Even though breast cancer is found more often in women over 55, about 1/8 of breast cancer cases are found in women under 45. It benefits you to start getting breast cancer screening early, both for early detection purposes and to get you in the habit of scheduling regular appointments.
It's Fairly Painless
Many women will avoid getting a mammogram because they think it will be painful. However, it's often a fairly quick and easy process that takes 15-30 minutes. If you're concerned that you will be sensitive to the mammogram, you can take an over the counter painkiller before you appointment to reduce discomfort. Your mammogram technician can also try to make the process less uncomfortable by applying less pressure and walking you through the process.
It's Often Covered By Insurance
There are several options for paying for a mammogram, including most forms of insurance under the Affordable Care Act. If you don't have insurance, many cities have preventative care programs that include screenings at reduced rates for low-income patients. The National Cancer Institute also provides support for women who can't afford to get a mammogram on their own.
Different Mammography Options
There are new options for mammography that make it even more useful for detecting issues. In some cases, a traditional mammogram doesn't provide as much accuracy for women with dense breast tissue.
However, new tests can be combined with the traditional mammogram for better test results; 3-D mammography is an example of a more comprehensive test that is useful for screening dense breast tissue. You can also combine a mammogram with an ultrasound for even more coverage.
Breast Cancer can Happen to Anyone
Although breast cancer can run in families, it's also estimated that 85 percent of breast cancer cases are not linked to a family history of the disease. Many of the progressive breast cancer cases could be treated with regular breast health checkups. Since the process is quick and routine, why not go to get your health checked?
Mammography is an excellent idea for protecting your health; breast cancer is most easily treated when it's caught early. These reasons might persuade you to book an appointment with your doctor for a mammogram.
To schedule a mammogram, contact an office such as Women's Care Inc.
Share10 September 2015
As a child, I used to spend my days roaming through the woods. I climbed trees, smelled the flowers, and laid in the grass looking at the clouds. My love for nature continued through my teen years, but when I turned 23, I began to sneeze whenever I left my home. I could no longer enjoy my outdoor hikes and I started taking antihistamines so I could at least open my windows on warm days. My allergies got worse though and I met with an allergist who completed a variety of skin tests. I started receiving allergy shots and my allergist taught me about natural cleaning processes and sinus rinses. The injections and natural treatments improved my quality of life greatly. Even if you do not want to start allergy injections, you have a variety of options that can lessen your symptoms, and you should learn what these options are.