Recovery From Cataract Laser Surgery

Health & Medical Blog

If you have cataracts in your eyes, you may opt to have cataract laser surgery to have them removed. The process is relatively quick and the results will leave you with clear vision. When having the surgery, there are a few points to follow to make sure your recovery time is shortened and your eyes heal without any trouble. Here are some tips to consider after having cataract laser surgery done on your eyes.

Right After Surgery

Immediately after your surgery is performed, you will start the recovery process. You will have had a general anesthesia given to have the surgery conducted, so you may feel a bit woozy during the day you have the procedure. Your eyes will be covered, so you will need someone to give you a ride home.

Take the first few days to rest. Your eyes will need to have some adjustments to light after you take off the dressing. Start off slowly by removing the covering and only keep your eyes open for a few minutes at a time so they can become accustomed to the surroundings. The eye covering will need to be put back into place during the nighttime hours for a few days to allow your eyes to heal.

Things To Watch For

You may notice that your vision feels a bit cloudy or muddy-looking for the first few days after the surgery. This is to be expected. If this lasts for more than two or three weeks, contact your doctor to have a checkup. You may also notice squiggly lines or waves in your vision. This will subside within the first few hours after surgery. Usually after the first few days, your vision will start to become a lot clearer. 

It is normal to have some redness in the eye due to damage to the blood vessels. This is temporary and will heal quickly. If you notice you have the appearance of having black eyes, this may be from the injection from the anesthesia. Dry eyes is another normal occurrence that will clear up within the next few days to weeks.

Protecting Your Eyes

There are a few ways you can help your healing procedure go smoothly. Try your best not to sneeze or throw up within the first few days after the procedure. Keep your eyes away from areas with dust particles present. Do not rub your eyes if they feel itchy or dry. You will be prescribed special eye drops that should be used regularly to help your eyes heal.

For more information, contact a specialist like Country Hills Eye Center.


24 February 2015

Allergy Relief: You Have More Options Than You Think

As a child, I used to spend my days roaming through the woods. I climbed trees, smelled the flowers, and laid in the grass looking at the clouds. My love for nature continued through my teen years, but when I turned 23, I began to sneeze whenever I left my home. I could no longer enjoy my outdoor hikes and I started taking antihistamines so I could at least open my windows on warm days. My allergies got worse though and I met with an allergist who completed a variety of skin tests. I started receiving allergy shots and my allergist taught me about natural cleaning processes and sinus rinses. The injections and natural treatments improved my quality of life greatly. Even if you do not want to start allergy injections, you have a variety of options that can lessen your symptoms, and you should learn what these options are.