What To Expect With Pain Management

Health & Medical Blog

Pain management is the management of your chronic pain that may have been caused by an injury, accident or pain due to a disorder of some sort such as arthritis. If you have severe pain and you've tried other things, and your pain isn't going away, you should seek help from a pain management physician. A pain management physician is a specialist that specializes in the management of pain and will find the right treatments to get your pain under control so you can live pain-free.

9 February 2021

Physical Therapy for Total Knee Replacement Patients

Health & Medical Blog

Joint replacement procedures are major surgeries that require careful recovery planning for patients to get the best outcomes. Total knee replacement patients have often dealt with pain, stiffness, and loss of range of motion in their knees for months or years before they get their new knees.  Physical therapy to restore function in the new joint is a vital part of the recovery process for total knee patients.   Before Surgery

4 January 2021